07 / June / 2022

Whether you’ve already enrolled on a Gym Instructor or Personal Trainer course and are looking for more insight into what to expect from your course & exams, or if you are interested in joining LEAP and want to know more - you’re in the right place! 

We will be answering all those burning questions and hopefully putting your mind at rest, it really isn’t that scary! Our Level 2 Gym Instructing qualification consists of four units, with Unit 1 being Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise. The assessment for this unit is a Multiple Choice Theory Exam which you complete at the end of the unit, but we have 15 mini-quizzes to test your knowledge and help you prepare throughout (an example of these can be found here). Now let’s get into the assessment...

What will I be assessed on?

You will be assessed on Anatomy and Physiology for Exercise, which includes all the vital systems within the body: cardiovascular, skeletal, muscle, energy, nervous and digestive. As a personal trainer or gym instructor you will need to have a good understanding of these systems and how they have an impact on exercise, so take lots of notes to revise! 

To support you through this unit we provide all the information you need in a format to suit everyone. For some people they like to read, digest and read again. We have you covered with in-depth written explanations of the topic areas discussed. For others we know written content isn’t enough, that is why we have loads of video content brought to you by experts in the sector, so you are in great hands. These videos will give you a breakdown and further understanding of the topic. As if that wasn’t enough, we have quizzes throughout the unit which allow you to test your knowledge. These quizzes are just for fun so no pressure to get 100%, but they do give you a great opportunity to test yourself and see how much you are taking in and what areas might need some additional revision. 

How does the exam work? 

You will book your exam via our online booking system which allows you to select a date and time that suits you. You will receive confirmation of your exam along with a link to join on the day. Once logged in you will be greeted by an invigilator who will oversee the exam. The invigilator will ask you to show your surroundings to ensure you have no notes, phone or smart watch that could be referred to throughout the exam. Now we know this might seem a little strange but just focus on the exam and you will forget the invigilator is even there! 

Can I refer to my notes? 

This is a closed book exam, which means you will not be allowed to refer to notes, books, laptops, phones or smart watches. When you are preparing for your exam, make sure your phone and smart watch are not in the room.  

Will I get practice quizzes? 

Yes, there are 15 quizzes to test your knowledge on each topic as you learn! Not only that you can do the quizzes as many times as you want, so if you make get to the end of the unit and want to recap this is a great place to start.

Can I do a mock exam? 

Yes! You have access to three mock exams, this is a great opportunity to test your knowledge and get a feel for how the exam will work. Aside from the fact the official exam will have an invigilator present, the mock exam is a good indication of what you can expect! We recommend you use at least one of the mock exams to simulate the official exam. That means putting yourself in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed, set a timer for 60 minutes, don’t refer to any notes and keep your phone out of sight! This gives you the chance to work out if you are ready to take the LEAP and book that exam or whether some more revision is needed. 

How many questions are there? 

Your exam will consist of 40 multiple choice questions.  

How long will it take

You will have 60 minutes to complete the exam. We recommend you use the mock exams to time yourself, that way you know you’re comfortable with the time allowed!  

What do I need to pass? 

To pass the exam you need to get 70%, which equates to 28/40

What happens if I don’t pass first time? 

Don’t worry if you don’t pass your exam first time, you can just book another and try again! We understand exams can be nerve racking but if you don’t pass first time use the experience to come back and smash it next time! We don’t place a limit on how many times you can take the exam but if you take it a few times and don’t pass, we will then suggest taking some time to further understand the topics and getting in touch with your tutor for additional support. 

Well, that is everything you need to know about the Level 2 Anatomy and Physiology exam, we can’t give you all the answers but we can give you the tools to feel super confident and smash that exam! 
